Istra Velikii Ohotnik 4,5 months (Stays in VO cattery)

Istra, seal tabby point female |

Istra, seal tabby point female

Istra, seal tabby point female
Istra Velikii Ohotnik 4 months

Istra, seal tabby point female |

Istra, seal tabby point female

Istra, seal tabby point female
Ten weeks

Istra, seal tabby point female |

Istra, seal tabby point female

Irkut, seal tabby with white male (sold)

Irtysh, black mackrel male (sold) |

Irtysh, black mackrel male (sold) |

Irtysh, black mackrel male (sold)

Il'men', blue tabby with white male (sold) |

Il'men', blue tabby with white male (sold)

Irkut, seal tabby with white male (sold)
Eight weeks

Irkut, seal tabby with white male (sold) |

Il'men', blue tabby with white male (sold)

Irkut, seal tabby with white male (sold)

Il'men', blue tabby with white male (sold) |

Irtysh, black mackrel male (sold)

Irtysh, black mackrel male (sold) |

Istra, seal tabby point female |

Istra, seal tabby point female

Istra, seal tabby point female
Five weeks

Seal tabby point female |

Seal tabby point female

Seal tabby point female

Seal tabby with white male (reserved) |

Black mackrel male

Seal tabby with white male (reserved) |

Black mackrel male |

Black mackrel male

Blue tabby with white male (reserved)
Three weeks

Mom and children |


Seal tabby point female

Black mackrel male |

Seal tabby with white male (reserved)

Black mackrel and blue tabby with white males
First Photos

Mother- Int.Ch. Tercia Velikii Ohotnik |

We are four!

Father: Gr.Int.Ch. O'Key Romeo Nebesnye Glazki

Black mackrel male |

All four

Seal tabby point female