Twenty First Litter (C)
| |
Nine weeks

Veleslav- black mackrel with white male, sold |

Veleslav- black mackrel with white male, sold

Veleslav- black mackrel with white male, sold
Seven weeks

Seal tabby with white female and blue tabby male (sold) |

Black mackrel with white male, sold

Seal tabby female (sold)

Seal tabby with white female and blue tabby male (sold) |

Black mackrel with white male, sold

Seal tabby female (sold)
Three and a half weeks

Tercia drinking |

Two females (sold)

Seal tabby female (sold)

Males |

Black mackrel with white male, sold

Blue tabby male (sold) and seal tabby with white female (sold)
Two and a half weeks

Blue tabby male (sold) |

Seal tabby female (sold)

Seal tabby with white female (sold)

Blue tabby male (sold) |

Seal tabby with white female (sold) and black mackrel with white male

Black mackrel with white male, sold
First photos

Mother: Ch. Tercia Velikii Ohotnik |

We are four!

Father: Ch. O'Key Romeo Nebesnye Glazki

Black mackrel with white male, sold |

With mom

Two females (sold)

Seal tabby female (sold) with mom |

Blue tabby male (sold)

Life is great!
On the 20th of October our Tercia Velikii Ohotnik, daughter of Ines, gave birth to four kittens: Seal tabby and seal tabby with white females, blue tabby and black mackrel males
Father: Ch. O'Key Romeo Nebesnye Glazki, black tiger, Owner Olga Novikova
Mother: Ch. Tercia Velikii Ohotnik, seal point with white, owner Vladimir Ilminskiy
All kittens have already found their new homes, but you can make a reservation for the next litter- call me +7 (495) 427 2804, +7 (916) 602 6538 or
Email me
Arsenii and Iris
Ines Sibirskaya Exotica
Dorofei Velikii Ohotnik, cat of President of Russia
How we look when we grow up
Previous Litters
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