On this page you can find links to the sites of Neva breeders

Online breedbook of Neva Masquerade and Siberian cats with portrait gallery
Here lives Orion Velikii Ohotnik
Here lives Ludwig Velikii Ohotnik
Here lives Matvei Velikii Ohotnik
Cattery where our first litter Nadja lives
Edgewood Dirk Cattery- Sergio Velikii Ohotnik (third litter) now lives in Hamburg
Isumrud cattery- Silvia / Varya (tird litter), Moscow
Romashka, R- litter, Moscow
Our Club- Union of Siberian Cat Fanciers
Simply one of the best cat portals in Russia
Silk Mask Cattery
Maskcat Cattery
Volga Brilliant Cattery
Time table of cat shows in Moscow