"O" Litter of our Cattery
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We are 9 weeks old!

Seal tabby boy Orion

Seal tabby boy Orion

Seal tabby boy Orion

Seal tabby boy Onyx |

Seal tabby boy Onyx

Seal tabby boy Onyx
PREVIOUS PHOTOS: We are 7 weeks old!

Seal tabby boy Orion

Seal tabby boy Otto (reserved)

Seal tabby boy Onyx

Seal point boy Osvaldo (reserved

Seal point girl Odarka (sold)

We like to clean! (Orion)
We are 6 weeks old!

Seal point girl (sold)

Seal tabby boy

Seal point girl (sold)

Seal tabby boy

Seal point boy (reserved)

Seal tabby boys (left one is reserved)
We are one month old!

Seal point girl (sold)

Mom Iris

Seal point boy (reserved)

Seal tabby boy

Seal tabby boy

Seal tabby boy
We can walk!

Seal point girl (sold)

By Mom's side

Seal tabby boy

Seal tabby boy

Seal point and seal tabby boys

Seal tabby boy
We opened eyes!

Father- Gr.Int.Ch.William Sineglazy Angel

Children of Iris

Mother- Gr.Int.Ch.Iris Velikii Ohotnik

Seal tabby boy

Mom Iris with kids

Seal point girl (sold)
On the 27th of January 2007 TWO
litters born in our cattery!
Iris gave birth to five kittens: three seal tabby boys, , seal point girl and seal point boy.
This is the "O" litter in our cattery!
Father- Gr.Int.Ch.William Sineglazy Angel, seal tabby point, Cattery "Lion's Heart", owner N. Kurkova.
Mother- Gr.Int.Ch.Iris Velikii Ohotnik, blue tabby point.
If you are interested in our kittens- call me +7 (495) 427 2804 or
Email me
Thirteenth (N) Litter
Twelfth (M) Litter
Eleventh (L) Litter
Arsenii and Iris
Ines Sibirskaya Exotica
How we look when we grow up
Previous Litters
Kittens from Hakuna Matata cattery
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